Monografije članov in članic oddelka v angleščini in nemščini
1. Avtorske znanstvene monografije (Authored academic monographs)
- Jana S. Rošker. 2023. Humanism in Trans-civilizational Perspectives: Relational Subjectivity and Social Ethics in Classical Chinese Philosophy
- Jana S. Rošker (2023). Confucian Relationism and Global Ethics: Alternative Models of Ethics and Axiology in Times of Global Crises
- Jana Rošker: Interpreting Chinese Philosophy – A New Methodology
- Jana Rošker: Female Philosophers in Contemporary Taiwan and the Problem of Women in Chinese Thought
- Téa Sernelj: The Confucian Revival in Taiwan: Xu Fuguan and His Theory of Chinese Aesthetics
- Jana Rošker: Becoming Human
- Jana Rošker: Following His Own Path: Li Zehou and Contemporary Chinese Philosophy
- Jana Rošker: Anarchismus in China an der Schwelle des 20.Jahrhunderts
- Jana Rošker: The Rebirth of the Moral Self: The Second Generation of Modern Confucians and Their Modernization Discourses
- Jana Rošker: Traditional Chinese Philosophy and the Paradigm of Structure (Li )
- Jana Rošker: Searching for the Way: Theory of Knowledge in Premodern and Modern China
2. Zborniki (Edited volumes)
- Jan Vrhovski, Jana Rošker (Editors). 2021. Bertrand Russell's Visit to China: Selected Texts on the Centenary of Intercultural Dialogues in Logic and Epistemology.
- Jana Rošker (Ed.). Modern and Contemporary Taiwanese Philosophy: Traditional Foundations and New Developments.
- Jana S. Rošker, Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik (ur.): The Yields of Transition: Literature, Art and Philosophy in Early Medieval China
- Jana S. Rošker, Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik (ur.): Modernisation of Chinese Culture: Continuity and Change
- Jana S. Rošker, Nataša Visočnik (ur.): Contemporary East Asia and the Confucian Revival
Publikacije članic in članov oddelka, ki so izšle pri fakultetni založbi, si lahko ogledate tukaj.