Office hours

Winter semester:
Wednesday, 10:00–11:00. Please notify via email. Consultations at other times are also possible by prior arrangement.



Department of Slovene Studies

Tch. Asst. Luka Horjak

Luka Horjak is teaching assistant for Slovenian language at the Department for Slovenian Studies at Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. He was born in 1994 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In 2013 he started his further education at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. In 2018 he defended his master thesis in Slovenian studies (Schwa in Slovene: A Diachronic and Synchronic Comparison, supervisor: Prof. Hotimir Tivadar) and German studies (Old High German as a Syllable Language on the Example of Otfrid of Weissenburg’s Evangelienbuch, supervisor: Prof. Marija Javor Briški). During undergraduate and master study he participated at linguistic conferences in Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, and Toronto. In 2017 and 2022 he received the Stanislav Škrabec Scholarship. 

Since 2018 he has been teaching several B.A. and M.A. tutorials (Phonetics and Phonology of Modern Slovene Language, Speech Technique, Morphology of Modern Slovene Language, Specialised Text, Functional Varieties of Slovene Language, Text Linguistics, Lexicography, etc.) and is working on his doctoral thesis in phonetics and phonology of standard Slovenian (The Phonetic and Phonological Principles pf Codification of Contemporary Slovenian Spoken Language, supervisor: Prof. Hotimir Tivadar). During his stay in Vienna in November 2019, he gave two guest lectures on Slovenian orthoepy and the history of Slovenian language at the Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Vienna (CEEPUS scholarship, CIII-AT-0012, OeAD). In 2019 he presented his papers at the conference “Speech Research” in Zagreb and Obdobja Symposium in Ljubljana. In May 2022 he conducted ultrasound research of Slovenian consonants in Speech kinematics lab at the Department of Phonetics (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb) under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Marko Liker (Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeships 2021/2022). His fields of interest are phonetics, phonology, orthoepy, Slovenian and German history of language. 



Horjak, Luka (2016): Problematika slovenske fonetične transkripcije: predlog nove različice mednarodne fonetične transkripcije za slovenščino: Bachelor thesis. Ljubljana: Faculty of Arty, University of Ljubljana.

Horjak, Luka (2018): Althochdeutsch als Silbensprache am Beispiel des Evangelienbuchs Otfrids von Weißenburg = Stara visoka nemščina kot zlogovni jezik na primeru dela Evangelienbuch Otfrida Weisenburškega: Master thesis. Ljubljana: Faculty of Arty, University of Ljubljana.

Horjak, Luka (2018): Slovenski polglasnik: sinhrona in diahrona primerjava: Master thesis. Ljubljana: Faculty of Arty, University of Ljubljana.

Horjak, Luka (2018): Izgovor slovenskih besed v nemških pravorečnih slovarjih. In: Škrabčevi dnevi 10. Helena Dobrovoljc and Aleksandra Bizjak Končan (ed.). Nova Gorica: Založba Univerze v Novi Gorici. 76–88.

Horjak, Luka (2018): Phraseme und ihre Vernetzungen im Text. In: Urška Valenčič Arh (ed.). SKOZI OČI FRAZEOLOGIJE – Zbornik študentskih strokovnih besedil s področja frazeologije. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. 39–44.

Horjak, Luka (2019): Akustična analiza polglasnika: ob osemdesetletnici izida orisa slovenskega knjižnega izgovora Franceta Bezlaja. In: Hotimir Tivadar (ed.): Slovenski javni govor in jezikovno-kulturna (samo)zavest. Obdobja 38. 39–47. DOI:

Horjak, Luka; Tivadar, Hotimir (2019): Odprta vprašanja kodifikacije in smiselno univerzitetno poučevanje slovenskega govorjenega jezika. In:  Katarina Podbevšek and Nina Žavbi (ed.). Govor v pedagoški praksi. Ljubljana: FF. 151–158. DOI:

Horjak, Luka (2020): Althochdeutsche Grammatik. I. Laut- und Formlehre. 16. Auflage. Journal for Foreign Languages 12/1. 331–334. DOI:

Horjak, Luka (2021): Izgovor črke l kot jezikoslovno vprašanje do konca 19. stoletja [The Pronunciation of the Letter l as a Linguistic Question until the End of the Nineteenth Century]. Jezik in slovstvo LXVI/1. 73–87. URL:|1|75-90

Tivadar, Hotimir; Horjak, Luka (2021): Smiselna kodifikacija slovenskega pravorečja. In: MIRTIČ, Tanja; SNOJ, Marko (ed.): 1. Slovenski pravorečni posvet. Razprave: Razred za filološke in literarne vede, SAZU. Ljubljana: SAZU. 17–34. URL:

Horjak, Luka (2021): Med fonetiko in poezijo: Akustična analiza izbranih govornih interpretacij pesmi Mile Kačič. In: PAVLIČ, Darja (ed.): Slovenska poezija. Obdobja 40. 381–388. URL:

Horjak, Luka (2022): Večnaglasnice v slovenističnem jezikoslovju: Besedotvorni in fonološki pregled [Multiple Stress in Slovenian Linguistics: Derivation and a Phonological Overview]. Jezikoslovni zapiski 28/1. 97–110. DOI:

Horjak, Luka (2022): Izgovarjava v Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika [Pronunciation in the Dictionary of the Slovenian Standard Language]. Slavistična revija 70/4. 513–524. DOI:

Horjak, Luka (2023): Hotimir Tivadar and Urban Batista: Fonetika 1. Ljubljana, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, 2019. Govor/Speech 40/1. 109–115. DOI:

Horjak, Luka (2023): Warum Deutsch bellt und Französisch schnurrt. Eine klangvolle Reise durch die Sprachen Europas. Journal for Foreign Languages 15/1. 349–351. DOI:

Horjak, Luka (2023): Preliminarna raziskava izgovarjave slovenskih jezičnih nezvočnikov z ultrazvočno napravo // Preliminary study of articulation of Slovenian lingual obstruents with an ultrasound device. Jezik in slovstvo 68/4. 241–258. DOI:

Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses



09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of University of Ljubljana for prospective international students

13. 10. 2022
Administrative Office for Doctoral Study, Faculty of Arts

EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics

15. 09. 2022
Administrative Office for Undergraduate Study Programme, Faculty of Arts

Reception for International Students at the Faculty of Arts and at the University of Ljubljana (two separate events)

22. 02. 2022
Faculty of Arts

Online sessions for prospective international students, 22 February 2022 at 1.15 pm (CET)