Diploma Thesis and Defense
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
A graduation thesis, at least 20 standard typewritten pages long (single major) or 10 pages long (double major) is to be completed under the supervision of the chosen lecturer. The graduation thesis must comprise an introduction, a working hypothesis, a survey of the theoretical framework, data and methods of analysis, an interpretation of the results, a conclusion, a list of literature and a summary in Slovene and Japanese. Based on subjects that are being taught, the contents of graduation thesis projects are related to less demanding problems of Japanese linguistics, literature, history and social science.
Graduation theses written by double major students may present the issues slightly less in depth than single major theses.
Students present and defend their completed and positively evaluated graduation theses in Japanese in graduation seminar.
Literature related to topics chosen for graduation work.