Enrolment and Progression

Candidates who fulfil the requirements for enrolment can enrol based on the invitation they receive by post.  

In 2020, the Faculty of Arts successfully and fully implemented the merging of study programmes, the aim of which was to reduce the number of study programmes, without compromising the diversity of the offer of study programmes and courses and the existing possibilities of their combinations.

All changes brought by the merging of study programmes are more of a formal rather than substantive nature, which means that in most cases, the names of the programmes or courses were changed and in some cases also the professional title, that is - according to the provisions of Professional and Academic Titles Act - formulated either from the (changed) name of the programme or the (changed) name of the course.

A table showing which first-cycle study programmes have been merged, the new name of the programme or course after the merger, and any changes in the professional title is available here (only in Slovene).

The student - regardless of the merger of the programmes - retains the programme/course syllabus and all other rights, which are provided in the following way:

• Students who meet the conditions for regular progression to a higher year of studies, advance to the higher year of the merged programme and do not lose the right to an additional year if they have not lost it before (by repeating the year or changing the programme/course)

• Students who will repeat the year or have an extended status for justified reasons, can exercise this right in the merged programme, if they have not yet used it. By repeating, they will lose the right to an additional year, just as they would lose it by repeating a year in the same (unmerged) programme. If they have already lost the right, they will interrupt their studies and continue or complete it in accordance with the rules set out in the UL Statute in the merged programme;

• For students who will take a break (and will not have student status), the break will be recorded on a merged study programme, in which, after regaining the status of a student, they will continue and complete their studies according to the rules from the previous indents;

• Students who are about to complete their studies, complete their studies in a merged programme.

The changes brought by the merging of study programmes come into force with the academic year 2021/22 and apply to all students of these (merged) study programmes. For students of these study programmes, the changes will be automatically implemented in the student information system VIS and will automatically be reflected in all documents (certificate of enrolment, transcript of records, certificate of completed studies, diploma, diploma supplement…), which will be issued to students for the academic year 2021/2022 and all subsequent academic years.

There are no changes for students enrolled in study programmes of Faculty of Arts who have not merged. There are also no changes for students who will enrol at the Faculty of Arts in the academic year 2021/2022, as they will already apply and enrol in new (i.e. merged) study programmes or courses.

The formal explanation (letter) of the Faculty of Arts regarding the merging of study programmes and the change of the names of study programmes or courses of study, which students can submit to funding authorities or other interested parties, is published here (only in Slovene).

Upon enrolment, students gain the status of a student that can be proven with a university student ID, which is a public document.

Study calendar is based on Higher Education Act and Statute of University of Ljubljana.

The academic year starts on October 1 and ends on September 30. Every year, the study calendar specifies the duration of organised study activities, examination periods, school holidays, public holidays and of the university week.

Spring semester: middle of February – end of May

Winter holidays: middle of January – middle of February

Winter examination period: middle of January – beginning of February

Summer holidays: beginning of July – end of August

Summer examination period: beginning of June – end of June

Autumn examination period: end of August – middle of September

The Study Calendar is available on the Slovene website.

The enrolment of accepted candidates in the first application deadline usually takes place between September 3 and September 30. The enrolment of accepted candidates in the second application deadline usually takes place between September 20 and September 30.

The enrolment of accepted candidates in the first and second application deadlines needs to be carried out by September 30..

When the selection process is completed, the accepted candidates will receive instructions for electronic enrolment in the first year by post. At that time, they also receive a username and enrolment number.

Enrolment takes place via the VIS student information system and by post (for documents).

Guidelines for filling in the enrolment paper in student information system VIS are available here, under the tab »Filling in the enrolment paper«.

Students of Faculty of Arts who are enrolled or are enrolling in programmes that require the selection of external elective courses can check the offer of external elective courses here (only in Slovene), chapter »Izbira izbirnih predmetov«.

Enrolment takes place via the VIS student information system and by post (for documents).

For enrolment in a higher year, the VIS automatically checks compliance with the conditions and prepares an enrolment papers for enrolment in a higher year. Enrolment papers are expected to be open for students on July 25. After they are filled in by students, the enrolment papers are checked and finalised by the administrative office. Students are notified by email when they the enrolment procedure is finished and they are enrolled.

Guidelines for filling in the enrolment paper in student information system VIS are available here, under the tab »Filling in the enrolment paper«.

Students of Faculty of Arts who are enrolled or are enrolling in programmes that require the selection of external elective courses can check the offer of external elective courses here (only in Slovene), chapter »Izbira izbirnih predmetov«.

In exceptional circumstances (set out in the Statute of University of Lubljana in the Criteria for Resolving Student request) students that only completed obligations in the amount of 51 ECTS may also enrol in the higher year of their studies based on approved request for exceptional enrolment in the higher year of studies. Students should address the request to Committee for student questions and guidance (Odbor za študentska vprašanja in usmerjanje) and can also attach a written consultative opinion of the department that must be obtained before submitting the request for exceptional enrolment in the higher year of studies.

More information on submitting a request for exceptional enrolment in the higher year of studies with missing credit points is available in the tab “Guidance” “Student request submission”

Guidelines for filling in the enrolment paper in student information system VIS are available here, under the tab »Filling in the enrolment paper«.

Students of Faculty of Arts who are enrolled or are enrolling in programmes that require the selection of external elective courses can check the offer of external elective courses here (only in Slovene), chapter »Izbira izbirnih predmetov«.

During their studies (at  each cycle) students have the right to re-enrol in the same year of the study (repetition of the same year) or change the study programme or course of the study if they fail to complete all the obligations prescribed by the programme. However, in this case, the student status ceases at the end of the last semester and those students do not have the right to enrolment into additional year.  

Department office checks whether the conditions for re-enrolment prescribed by the study programme for a certain year of studies are fulfilled and prepares the enrolment sheet for enrolment in the same year.

The tuition fee is not charged to students who re-enrol in the same year (repeat the same year) of the study programme and have already paid the tuition fee for that year.

To re-enroll, a student must send a notice that he or she wishes to re-enroll in the same year to the department secretariat. In the case of a student studying in a combined study programmme or combined course, the student must send a notice that he/ she wishes to re-enroll in the same year to both departmental secretariats. The contacts of the departments are available here (the appropriate department must be selected and there is also a contact of the secretariat on the website that opens).

In order to re-enroll in the same year, it is necessary to meet the conditions prescribed by each study programme.

Guidelines for filling in the enrolment paper in student information system VIS are available here, under the tab »Filling in the enrolment paper«.

Students of Faculty of Arts who are enrolled or are enrolling in programmes that require the selection of external elective courses can check the offer of external elective courses here (only in Slovene), chapter »Izbira izbirnih predmetov«.

Extension of the student status

The student status can be extended for a maximum of one year for justified reasons:

  • If the student does not complete his/her studies within 12 months after the end of the last semester,
  • If the student does not enrol in the next year or semester during his/her studies.

Extension of status for justified reasons, such as: prolonged illness, exceptional family and social circumstances, parenthood, etc, shall be decided on by the Committee for student questions and guidelines (Odbor za študentska vprašanja in usmerjanje) in accordance with Criteria for Resolving Student Requests for the first and second-cycle studies (Merila za reševanje študentskih prošenj na študiju prve in druge stopnje). A justified reason for the extension of student status for foreign students, enrolled in the first year of studies whose native language is not Slovene, can be the learning of Slovene language in the Year plus module. More information: Year plus.

Exceptions to the above rules regarding regular and exceptional enrolment in the higher year, extension of the student status, submission of requests that are applicable to enrolment in the academic year 2023/2024 are available here (only in slovene).

Further information for submitting a request for extension of student status for justified reasons is available in the tab Guidelines" “Student Request Submission.”

Student mothers who give birth during their studies and male students, who become fathers during their studies, are entitled to have their student status extended by one year for each child.

The right for extension of student status begins in the study year following the academic year in which the legitimate reason for the extension occurred.

The status can also be extended in the final academic year of study and during the additional year.

Students can extend their student status just once and for a maximum of one academic year without losing the right to an additional year after completing their final year of study.

Repeating a year or changing a study programme or course does not affect the extension of student status for justifiable reasons.

Guidelines for filling in the enrolment paper in student information system VIS are available here, zavihek »Filing in the enrolment paper«.

Termination of the student status
If the student wishes his status to be terminated before the end of the academic year he can file an application for temination of the student status that is available here.

Students can enrol in an additional year after the end of the last year, provided that they did not repeat the year or change the study program during their studies, regardless of the amount of credit points achieved.

Enrolment papers in additional year are expected to be opened for students on July 25. After they are filled in by students, the enrolment papers are checked and finalised by the administrative office. Students are notified by email when they the enrolment procedure is finished and they are enrolled.

Guidelines for filling in the enrolment paper in student information system VIS are available here, under the tab »Filling in the enrolment paper«.




A student who loses the student status may continue with his or her study obligations for two years after losing the status, unless the accreditation of individual programme expires. After the expiry of two years period from the loss of status, a student will be considered to have interrupted the studies and must submit a request for continuation or completion of studies after the interruption.

More information on submitting a request for continuing or completion of studies is available in the tab “Guidelines” “Student request submission.”

Cost of the defence of a final master thesis

In accordance with the Amendments to the Statute of University of Ljubljana (paragraph 4 of Article 128 of the Statute of UL) of October 13, 2018, a candidate who has completed all his/her study obligations except the final thesis before losing student status, and has had the topic of the final thesis confirmed within six months after the loss of student status, can complete his/her studies without payment, but not later than within two years after the loss of status.

The price is published in the price list of the faculty for each academic year.

Students who show outstanding academic results in their studies may be allowed to progress faster based on their request if this is possible in terms of the study process.

More information regarding the request for faster progress is available in the tab Guidelines” “Student Request Submission.”


Students complete their studies after completing all the prescribed obligations of the study programme, including the defence of the final thesis, in the total amount of 120 ECTS.

The procedures for submitting and confirming a topic of Master thesis, submitting a printed and electronic version of the final Master thesis, submitting an electronic version of the final Master thesis in the student information system (VIS) where it is checked with a programme for detecting similarity with other works (plagiarism) and the procedure for defence of the Master thesis are specified in the Rules for completion of studies at the second-cycle programmes (Pravilnik o zaključku študija na študijskih programih druge stopnje).

Temporary inaccessibility of the final thesis

The content of the final thesis may be temporarily inaccessible in exceptional cases for the following reasons:

  • The protection of business secrets,
  • The protection of the results in the enforcement of intellectual property rights,
  • Ensuring the safety of people and nature,
  • Protection of classified information.

The mentor and the student submit a written request for temporary inaccessibility of the contents of the written final thesis before submission of the printed and electronic version of the final Master thesis in the Administrative Office for Master's Programmes (Second-Cycle) in accordance with the provisions of the Criteria for Resolving Student Requests for the first and second-cycle studies (Merila za reševanje študentskih prošenj na študiju prve in druge stopnje). The request must state the reasons for the temporary inaccessibility of the content of the final thesis and the proposal regarding the duration of the temporary inaccessibility. The application must be accompanied by supporting evidence. The dean decides on the application and his decision is final.