Factors of effective learning
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Šarić Marjeta, prof. dr. Šteh Barbara
1. The cognitive model of the factors of effective learning.
2. Cognitive factors of learning:
˗ intelligence: comparison of different views on the structure and development of abilities; individual differences;
˗ perceptual and cognitive styles: kinds, their importance for learning and instruction;
˗ cognitive structure: the importance of the existing implicit concepts and conceptual networks for further learning.
3. Learning approaches, styles and patterns. The direct and indirect development of learning strategies. Metacognition, metalearning and self-regulated learning.
4. Learning motivation – comparison of different theoretical perspectives. Extrinsic, intrinsic and achievement motivation. Responding to the success and failure, attribution theory and self-determination theory.
5. Personal and emotional factors of academic achievement. Student's self-concept, self-esteem, fear, anxiety and learning. Origin of stress and coping with it.
6. Psychosocial factors of effective learning. Teacher's personality and leadership style. Social interaction and communication: analysis and development. Constructive solving of conflicts; competitive and cooperative interpersonal relations, collaborative learning. Classroom and school climate.
7. Learners with special needs with an emphasis on the presentation of students with specific learning disorders; gifted learners; individual differences and learning.
8. Psychological aspects of formative and summative assessment. Effects of evaluation and assessment on self-esteem, motivation, quality of learning and teaching, climate and relationships. Ensuring the measurement characteristics of knowledge assessment.
9. Learning for future - attempts to identify necessary changes in conceptions and practice. Significant learning. Lifelong learning. Connection between changes in conceptions of learning and conceptions of knowledge, teaching, learner’s and teacher's role, and learning outcomes.
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