Theory of History
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Verginella Marta
The course deals with the most important reasons of conceptual history, problem areas of epistemological questions, which relate to history writings and the study of the past by historians. Students are acquainted with the history of historiography and reflection on the impartiality of a historian, historical truth, the legitimacy of reconstruction of the witnessed, the significance of narration, chronological division (historical time, history of the long duration, event and structure) and the role of interdisciplinarity in individual historical areas (social, historical anthropological, demographic history).
Students are acquainted with modern historiographical guidelines and most current historiographical discussions on historical use of written and oral testaments (regression analysis, inductive methods, oral history, use of photography as historical sources), on the writings of national and ethnocentric history. Special emphasis is on the discussion on the public use of history, relations between memory and history, relation between individual and collective memory, between history and memory.
M. Bloch, Apologija zgodovine ali poklic zgodovinarja, Ljubljana 1996, 183 str. ID – 62645504
Burke Peter, Kulturna hibridnost. Ljubljana, Studia Humanitatis, 2020. COBISS.SI-ID – 27226627
M Bloch, O zgodovini, spominu in lažnih novicah, Ljubljana 2023, str. 151Nabaviti COBISS.SI-ID – 151804931
Primo Levi, Potopljeni in rešeni. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2003 COBISS.SI-ID – 123973376
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, Rasa in zgodovina ; Totemizem danes: Studia humanitatis, 1994 COBISS.SI-ID - 40083968
Priporočena literatura:
- P. Veyne, So Grki verjeli v svoje mite, Ljubljana 1998, 258 str.
- J. W. Scott, Gender and the Politics of History, New York 1999, 267 str.
- M. Sahlins, Islands of History, Chicago 1987, 180 str.
- E. J. Hobsbawm in T. Ranger (ur.), The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge 1993- M. Halbwachs, Kolektivni spomin, Ljubljana 2001, 264 str
- A. Momigliano, Razprave iz historiografije, I. in II. el, Ljubljana, 1988-1989
- S. Buck- Morss, Hegel, Haiti in univerzalna zgodovina,Ljubljana, 2012, 173 str.
Luisa Passerini, Ustna zgodovina, spol in utopija. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2008
- Zygmunt Bauman, Moderna in holokavst. Ljubljana: Študentska založba, 2006.
- Michel Vovelle, Ideologije in mentalitete. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2004
- Luisa Accati, Pošast in lepotica. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2001
- Marta Verginella, Suha pašta, pesek in bombe: vojni dnevnik Bruna Trampuža. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče : Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 2004.
- Peter Brown, Telo in družba: spolno odrekanje v zgodnjem krščanstvu. Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2007
- Peter Brown, Vzpon zahodnega krščanstva: zmagoslavje in raznoličnost. Ljubljana, 2006.
- Ginzburg Carlo, Sir in črvi : svet nekega mlinarja iz 16. stoletja. Ljubljana : Studia Humanitatis, 2010.
- Jacques Le Rider, Dunajska moderna in kriza identitete, Ljubljana 2017 - Victor Klemperer, LT
- Lingua Tertii Imperii (Govorica tretjega rajha): Filologova beležnica, Ljubljana 2014
- Susan Sontag, O Fotografiji, Koda. Ljubljana : Študentska založba, 2001.
- Susan Sontag, Pogled na bolečino drugega. Ljubljana : Sophia, 2006.