Bachelor's Seminar – Linguistics
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Stankovska Petra
The concrete content of the seminar depends on the topics of the seminar papers chosen by the students. The teacher prescribes an appropriate number of topics each year, and individual suggestions or preferences from students are also welcomed.
František Čermák, Základy lingvistické metodologie. Praha 1997. COBISS.SI-ID 164385795
Miran Hladnik, Praktični spisovnik, Ljubljana 2002. COBISS.SI-ID 115795968
Marija Golden, O jeziku in jezikoslovju, Ljubljana 2001. COBISS.SI-ID 114381056
Each year, the teacher prescribes individual study literature to the students, depending on the chosen topic.