Selected Topics in General History of the 19th Century
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Verginella Marta, Zaposleni/pogodbeni bodoči
The subject discusses the general history of the 19th century with a special emphasis on the global demographic, economic, social and cultural processes, such as the demographic revolution; urbanisation (the ratio town – countryside) and migrations (forms and directions); agrarian revolution; protoindustry; industrial revolution; the creation of national markets and colonialistic policy; changes in the class and state structure; the development of the bourgeoisie (with a special emphasis on the development of new professions and the bourgeois professional culture of the 19th century and bourgeois sociability); national movements and the nationalisation of the masses; liberalism and the creation of mass political parties; the women's political movement; secularisation; the appearance of anti-Semitism and racism.
The content is taken from the broadest framework of the subject (course) – taking into account all the important political, social, economic, cultural and ideal processes – and is thematically rounded off and then passed. In principle each semester discusses different sets of content, which are interesting either due to the significance within the periods, or due to their topicality. From a wide palette of possible topics: the formation of modern non-dominant nations; the comparison between English, French and Russian imperialism; the responses of the Catholic Church to the social issue in the 19th century; the influence of the development of technology on the way of life; the historical memory of World War I, etc.
Osterhammel, Jürgen. The transformation of the world: a global history of the nineteenth century. America in the world. Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014. COBISS.SI-ID – 3228020
G. Bock, Ženske v evropski zgodovini, Ljubljana 2004, 432 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 215367936
J. Fontana, Evropa pred zrcalom, Ljubljana 2003, 191 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 126688768
R. Sieder, Socialna zgodovina družine, Ljubljana 1998, 382 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 74776320
H. Schulze, Država in nacija v evropski zgodovini, Ljubljana 2004, 353 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 126441728
P. Aries, G. Duby (ur.), Histoire de la vie privée, Pariz 1986, III. del., 634 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 17999202
G. L. Mosse, Nationalization of the Masses, Ithaca 1991, 252 str. COBISS.SI-ID - 11793250
J. Kocka, Burgertum im 19. Jahrhundert, München 1995 COBISS.SI-ID - 106906883
P. Hudson, The industrial revolution, London 1992 COBISS.SI-ID – 2065811