Translation from German into Slovene
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 60
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Udovič Boštjan, prof. dr. Žigon Tanja
Translation of general texts and finding solutions to translational problems concerning
text composition, style and vocabulary. Contrastive analysis of selected text-types (e.g. newspaper article, business letter, internet presentation) in both languages. The focus of the analysis will be on the translational problems mentioned above and on compliance with the textual conventions and norms of the respective texts. Students will get to know the relevant vocabulary and improve their general language competence.
Besides, the following typical translational problems will be discussed:
- translation of common collocations
- differences in syntax and word order
- differences in cohesive devices
- register and level of formality.
Slovarji slovenskega jezika in druge podatkovne zborke, od besedilnih do specializiranih terminoloških:
- Slovarji na portalu Fran: https://fran.si
- Viri in orodja za slovenščino na spletni strani CJVT: https://www.cjvt.si
- Dictionaries in electronic or paper form:
- Duden (2011, 7. izdaja). Deutsches Universalwörterbuch. Mannheim; Wien; Leipzig; Zürich:
Dudenverlag. COBISS.SI-ID – 62713954
- Duden (2011, 7. izdaja) Richtiges und gutes Deutsch. Mannheim: Dudenverlag. COBISS.SI-ID – 53526626 -Duden (2001). Stilwörterbuch. Mannheim: Dudenverlag. COBISS.SI-ID - 12350216
- Duden (1986, 2. izdaja). Sinn- und sachverwandte Wörter. Mannheim: Dudenverlag. COBISS.SI-ID – 167708
- Duden (2004). Synonymwörterburch. Mannheim. Dudenverlag. COBISS.SI-ID – 27471202
- Debenjak, Doris et al. (2001; 2., prenovljena izdaja). Veliki nemško-slovenski slovar. Ljubljana: DZS COBISS.SI-ID – 114639616
- Debenjak, Doris et al. (2003; 2., prenovljena izdaja). Veliki slovensko-nemški slovar. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID – 120863744