Sociology of Violence and Deviance
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Podreka Jasna, Zaposleni/pogodbeni bodoči
The Sociology of Violence and Deviance course lays the groundwork for understanding violence and deviance in the context of sociocultural influences and causes of violent and deviant behaviour. It lays the groundwork for understanding different conceptualizations of violence, key concepts, and various theories explaining deviant and violent behaviour, with a particular focus on understanding violence through the lens of cultural relativism. It lays the groundwork for understanding the differences between concepts such as benign and malignant aggression, conflict, and violence, and points to understanding violence and violent acts in the context of social action and social change through key social science theories and research on violence, with particular emphasis on contemporary sociological thematizations and research. It also discusses the relationship between bibliogistic, psychological, and sociological theories of violence.
Specific thematic areas of focus include:
-Benign and malignant aggression, conflict and violence;
-Individual, collective, structural, cultural, and symbolic violence;
-Violence and power;
-Violence and gender, with special attention to violence and masculinity;
-Relativization of violence in different cultural practises;
-Normalisation and problematization of violence in different social contexts.
All topics will be specifically addressed in relation to racism, homophobia, misogyny, mass killings, domestic violence, elder abuse, violence against women, peer violence, violence against children, cyber violence, hate speech, etc.
To better integrate the content, the students will also visit four institutions that deal with violent people and victims of violence to give them an insight into these issues by working on site.
Each year we will visit four institutions: a prison, the Museum of Crime in Tacen, a correctional facility and one of the following non-governmental organizations (Društvo za nenailsno komunikacijo, Društvo SOS Telefon in Združenje za Moč).
Izbrana poglavja iz / Selected chapters from:
-Antić Gaber, M. (ur.). 2017. Začasno bivališče Na grad 25 IG. Ljubljana: Javna agencija za knjigo RS. COBISS.SIID – 293055232
-(Povezava do e knjige: https://d.cobiss.net/repository/si/files/293055232/84287/293055232dk.jp…)
-Antić Gaber, M. (ur). 2019. Vidiš, tukaj boš pa zdaj doma. Ljubljana: Javna agencija za knjigo RS. COBISS.SIID 302411520
-Arendt, H. 2013. O nasilju. Ljubljana: Krtina. COBISS.SIID 269439744
-Bancroft, Lundy. 2018. Zakaj to počne? Kaj se dogaja v glavah jeznih in nadzirajočih moških. Ljubljana: UMco d.d. COBISS.SIID 293830912
- Bourdieu, P. 2010. Moška dominacija. Ljubljana: Založba Sophia. COBISS.SI-ID - 254103552
-Bufacchi, V. 2019. Nasilje in družbena (ne)pravičnost : intervju z Vittoriom Bufacchijem. Šolsko polje : revija za teorijo in raziskave vzgoje in izobraževanja. - ISSN 1581-6036, Letn. 30, št. 1/2, 2019, str. 47-62, 181-182. COBISS.SI-ID - 3457623
-Collins, R. 2008. Violence. A Micro-sociological Theory. Great Britain: Princeton University Press. COBISS.SI-ID - 38615138
-Connell, R.W. 2012. Moškosti. Ljubljana: Krt. COBISS.SIID – 264217344.
-DeKeseredy, W. S., Schwartz, M. D. 2005. Masculinities and Interpersonal Violence. V: M. S. Kimmel, J. Hearn, R. W. Connell (ur.). Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Kalifornija: Sage, str. 353366. COBISS.SIID 399469
-Flannery, D. J., Vazsonyi, A. T., Waldman, I. D. (ur.). 2007. The Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression. New York: Cambridge University Press. COBISS.SIID – 1115452510.
-Fromm, E. 2013. Anatomija človekove uničevalnosti. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. COBISS.SIID – 268348416.
-Hearn, J. 1998. The Violences of Men. Great Britain: SAGE. COBISS.SIID 79124480
-Imbusch, P. 2003. The Concept of Violence. In: W. Heitmeyer & J. Hagan (eds). International Handbook of Violence Research, 1. ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, str. 13–41. COBISS.SIID 988238
-Kanduč, Z. 1998. Pravo, spolnost in nasilje: Kriminološke in viktimološke perspektive. V: Z. Kanduč, D. Korošec, M. Bošnjak. 1998. Spolnost, nasilje in pravo. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kriminologijo pri Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani, str. 11138. COBISS.SIID – 78902784.
-Lee R. M. and Stanko E. A.. (ur.). 2003. Researching Violence: essays on methodology and measurement. London: Routledge. COBISS.SIID 906853
-Messerschmidt, J. W. 2005. Men, Masculinities, and Crime. V: M. S. Kimmel, J. Hearn, R. W. Connell (ur.). Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Kalifornija: Sage. COBISS.SIID 399469
-Ray, L. J. 2011. Violence and Society. London: Sage. COBISS.SIID 36633437
-Ross, C. et all. 1988. Key Concepts in Crime and Society. Los Angeles: SAGE. COBISS.SIID 101146883
-Salecl, R. (ur.). 2015. Možgani na zatožni klopi. Nevroznost, kazensko pravo in kriminologija. Ljubljana: Založba GV. COBISS.SIID – 280190720.
-Sen, A. 2009. Identiteta in nasilje. Ljubljana: Založba Sophia. COBISS.SIID 249189632
-Stanko, E. A (ur.). 2003. The Meanings of Violence. London: Routledge COBISS.SIID 841573
-Žižek, S. 2007. Nasilje. Ljubljana: Analecta. COBISS.SIID 235379968
Basic literature will be renewed with new relevant texts available, each time.