Italian Language Teaching Methodology: Teaching Practice
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Mertelj Darja, lekt. Hussu Tereza
Class observation (observation of learning environment, teacher and learner discourse, achievement of goals, error correction, interaction, balanced development of communicative and language competences and skills, language adaptation to the level of learners' knowledge, etc.)
Elaboration of lesson plans and materials (in Slovenian and Italian)
Cooperative and team teaching (lesson planning and teaching in pairs. with other students and/or with teacher mentor)
Independent teaching
Oral and written reflections and evaluations (on the basis of the observation of teacher mentor and of fellow students, and of self observation in one’s own teaching practice at school)
Evaluation of learners' development/learning
Final (self)evaluation and (self)assessment of teaching practice (teaching Italian as FL/L2 (exchange of TP experience with fellow students, presentation, self-evaulation and evaluation of TP and TP portfolio, discussion about possible improvements in later teaching FL/L2.
Selected chapters from:
- CONSIGLIO D’EUROPA (2001 in inglese, edizione italiana 2002, seconda ristampa 2007): Il Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.
V angleščini:https://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/source/framework_en.pdf
V slovenščini:http://www.europass.si/files/userfiles/europass/SEJO%20komplet%20za%20s…
- Council of Europe (2018), CEFR, Companion Volume with New Descriptors. https://rm.coe.int / cefr-companion-volume-with-new-descriptors-2018/1680787989
- Balboni P. (2015), Didattica dell’italiano come lingua seconda e straniera. Torino: Loescher. COBISS.SI-ID - 58703714
- Čok, L. et. al. (1999), Učenje in poučevanje tujega jezika. PeF v Ljubljani in ZRS RS v Kopru. COBISS.SI-ID - 97848320
- Diadori P., Palermo M., Troncarelli D. (2015), Insegnare l'italiano come seconda lingua. Roma: Carocci. COBISS.SI-ID - 58205794
- Diadori, P. (a cura di) (2015), Insegnare italiano a stranieri. Milano: Mondadori Education. COBISS.SI-ID - 58264930
- Državni izpitni center – gl. gradiva https://www.ric.si/, zavihki: splošna matura, poklicna matura, tuji jeziki za odrasle
- Državni izpitni center – gl. gradiva https: / / www.ric.si / , zavihki: splošna matura, poklicna matura, tuji jeziki za odrasle
Učni načrti za italijanščino kot drugi in kot tuji jezik (osnovnošolsko, gimnazijsko, drugo srednješolsko izobraževanje). https://www.zrss.si/italijanscina-na-enem-mestu/
Textbook sets for Italian as FL/L2, for different levels (A1 to C2) and for different target groups of learners.
Hand-outs and other teaching/learning materials.