Educational Methodology
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Mažgon Jasna
- Introduction.
- Basic research methods in education.
- Types of educational research.
- Empirical and theoretical research. Descriptive and explicative research. Fundamental and applied research. Developmental research. Evaluation studies. Longitudinal and transversal research. Historical research.
- Inductive and deductive cognition in the field of education. Sources of educational research.
- Phases of non-experimental empirical research.
- Methods of data collection in educational research: survey interviews, measurement scales, sociometric procedures and systematic observation, instruments for measuring knowledge. Using literature in the research. The substantive excerpts from sources. Bibliographic data sources. Documenting citations and abstracts.
- Research report. The structure of the report of the basic type of research.
- Sagadin, J. (1993). Poglavja iz metodologije pedagoškega raziskovanja. Ljubljana: ZRSŠS, str.1-248. ID=35212800
- Sagadin, J. (1991). Razprave iz pedagoške metodologije. Ljubljana: Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, str. 1-256. ID=24391168
- Mužić, V. (2004). Uvod u metodologiju istraživanja odgoja i obrazovanja (2. izd.). Zagreb: Educa, 1-156. ID=565372
- Cencič, M. (2009). Kako poteka pedagoško raziskovanje: primer kvantitativne empirične neeksperimentalne raziskave. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo, str. 1-160. ID=243206400
- Mažgon, J. (2008). Razvoj akcijskega raziskovanja na temeljnih postavkah kvalitativne metodologije. Ljubljana: Znanstvenoraziskovalni inštitut Filozofske fakultete. ID=242871296
Seznam literature se vsako leto sproti dopolnjuje.