Legal and Economic Basis of Education
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Makovec Radovan Danijela
- The definition of the subject: economic and legislative dimensions of education
- Legal basics of education. Legislation in the field of education in Slovenia
- Education as an economic category.
- The complementarity character of investment in education. The production functions of education. The efficiency of investment in education. Public and private funding of education.
- Tuition and social justice in education. The structure of educational services prices.
- The system of financing education in Slovenia ..
- The relationship between education and economic development.
- The theory of human capital.
- The flow and stock of knowledge capital, educational capital structure
- Investment and Consumer character of investment in education
- Education and economic policy objectives.
- Full employment as an objective of economic policy in relation to education.
- Unemployment, types and possibilities of its settlement with education.
- Financing of education. Sources of funds for education, a way of raising funds, financing methods.
- Planning education: economic and legal-formal bases. Comparative analysis of education spending.
- Systemic regulation of legal education: base system, standards and norms
- Duties and functions of expert councils RS other bodies in the field of education
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– Zakoni s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja (Vir: Spletne strani MVI).
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– Kodelja, Z. (2020). Šolstvo v času pandemije: izobraževanje na daljavo. Sodobna pedagogika, 71(4), str. 42-56. ID=761348