Culture and Civilization 2 - Spain from the Middle Ages to the Pressent Day
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): lekt. dr. Rodriguez Diaz del Real Alejandro
Visigoths, Islamic Spain.
Reconquista. 15th century: the reign of the Catholic Monarchs and the events of the year 1492. 16th century: rulers Charles V and Philip II. Connection with European history during the 15th and 16th century.
Spain during the 17th century: collapse of the state and social crisis.
Spain in the 18th century: Bourbon's reforms and Enlightment.
Spain in the 19th century: revolution, reaction, problems and consequences of (late) industrialization. Loss of the last colonies. Birth of peripheric nationalisms.
Spain in the 20th century: the reign of Alfonso XIII, dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, Second Republic, Spanish Civil War and Franco's dictatorship / Francoism. Tourist boom. The transition to democracy.
Spain in the 21th century: economic growth and building bubble.
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