Sociological reading and writing and informational practicum
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Podreka Jasna, prof. dr. Kuhar Roman
The subject is composed of two units.
In the first unit students familiarize themselves with different types of resources in the sociological study and qualify for search, use and citation of these sources. They will learn the basic skills of reading and writing sociological texts.
In the second unit students learn about the basics of search strategies, using search engines and getting to know information sources; the elements of basic literature search and methods of accessing electronic texts are provided.
• Bučar, B., Šabič, Z., Brglez, M., Roter, P., v sodelovanju s Kalin-Golob, M. (2000) Navodila za pisanje – seminarske naloge in diplomska dela. Ljubljana: FDV. COBISS.SI-ID – 107957248
Basic and seminar literature will be renewed with new relevant texts available, each time.