Human Ecology

Human Ecology

Lectures: 40

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 5

ECTS credit: 4

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Ogrin Matej

• the role, importance, and development of human ecology,
• understanding and recognizing of diverse relationships between human and his environment,
• valuing ecosystem services for sustainable development planning,
• evolution of human, demographic growth and quality of life,
• ecosystem equilibrium mechanisms and the importance of maintaining dynamic equilibrium,
• human adaptation to the carrying capacities and ecosystem services,
• resilience and adaptive development as fundamental features of system's sustainability,
• stress and human adaptations (physiological, food, shelter) to the extreme natural conditions and main biomes of the world,
• perception of nature and the environment among different population groups (civilizations, religions, development level and its connection to natural resources …),
• basics of social ecology,
• creating ecological awareness and reactions in the environment.