Human Geography I

Human Geography I

Study Cycle: 1

Lectures: 75

Seminars: 0

Tutorials: 15

ECTS credit: 7

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Ilc Klun Mojca, izr. prof. dr. Krevs Marko, prof. dr. Rebernik Dejan, prof. dr. Zupančič Jernej

• human geography: development, main topics, basic terminology and phylosophies,
• society and environment: importance and limitations of natutral environment, human impact on natural environment, natural resources and economic development,
• geography of population: distribution of population, natural dynamics of population change, migration, population structure, migration, population structure, theory of demographic transition, population policies; selected basic methods in demogeography; selected case studies in human geographies,
• geography of settlements: geographical research of settlements, types and internal structure of settlements, rural settlements, urban settlements, urbanisation and modern urbanisation processes, urban systems,
• cultural geography: civilizations, religious, linguistical and ethnic composition of societies and their impacts to societies and cultural landscapes; social stratification and spatial behavior; organized social groups and communities; state-organization and international associations,