Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo

Brezstična točka OHK za osebni prevzem od 12. aprila dalje

Od 12. aprila dalje bo prevzemna točka delovala po navedenem urnikuz izjemo 26. in 27. aprila, ko bodo knjižnice ZAPRTE. 

Več informacij in urnik: https://www.ff.uni-lj.si/obvestila/brezsticna-tocka-ohk-za-osebni-prevzem-od-12-aprila-dalje-ponovno-deluje-po-ustaljenem


International Office, Faculty of Arts

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts will be closed from 1st August and 16th August.

International Office, Faculty of Arts

The International Office of the Faculty of Arts will be closed from 1st August and 16th August.

Department of History

Change of Office Hours Dušan Mlacović

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Simon Kušar

Department of Psychology

Change of Office Hours Renata Marčič