VAZ Website - East Asian Collections in Slovenia

Predstavitev VAZ spletne strani

Predstavitev VAZ spletne strani

The VAZ website - East Asian Collections in Slovenia  was officially presented at an online event hosted by the Department of Asian Studies of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, on Thursday, 8 October 2020, at 1 pm.

With a large database of East Asian material from Slovenian museums and institutions, the VAZ website connects various objects of East Asian origin on the national level and makes them accessible to the general public for the first time. Using virtual methods, it breathes new life into a number of interesting and inspiring objects, as well as reveals their stories and the identities of their owners, who, over the course of the past two centuries, either travelled to East Asia themselves for a reason or acquired them in other ways.

The VAZ website is user-friendly, and enables analytical and synthetical reviews of the material for the purposes of research, education and informing both experts and the general public. All interested parties can now easily access data, photographs and other material on East Asian collections from the following museums:

  • The Slovene Ethnographic Museum: the Ivan Skušek Jr. Collection (the largest collection of Chinese objects in Slovenia),
  • The Celje Regional Museum: the Alma Karlin Collection and the Collection of Asian and South American Objects,
  • The National Museum of Slovenia: the Collection of East Asian Ceramics,
  • The "Sergej Mašera" Maritime Museum Piran: the Ivan Koršič Collection.
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